Sunday, July 12, 2015

A vision for MGTOW In Action and MGTOW Moderate

I believe that MGTOW In Action and MGTOW Moderate should both expand their field of interest by encompassing the wealth of knowledge which has sprung from the entire Manosphere. We should try and bridge the information which has been generated from other communities. This would give us a grander vision of what the Male is.

If any Male decides to focus his energy on only one group (PUA, MRA or MGTOW); this Man is missing out on very important aspects which are part of the masculine identity. This is not to say that MGTOW should now chase women like the PUA community or that we should all be lobbying to change the laws; it is simply that we should collect our existing knowledge of the Male and then create a complete body of work.

I do not think that the Manosphere includes earlier work made prior to the year 2000 or so; and hence there is a wealth of resource that has been unaccounted for; especially the Academic and Literary work. Furthermore by drawing out these elements which are buried, we shall continue to grow and not fall into stagnation.

I am not asking for people to go and especially investigate certain elements, but we all have different areas of expertize which revolves around the Male experience; therein we should all be bringing forward what we can. And with time and having assimilated new knowledge, we will be able to create an even better platform.

There is always more to discover. This search for the Masculine is a very recent endeavour inside our society, very recent. Furthermore, people from different culture holding different languages should also bring forward material which we of the Anglosphere are unaware of. With over 1.35 billion population in China alone; certainly there is something prominent which sticks out about the masculine life; we should encourage our Chinese brothers or any brother to be inside our space and share their knowledge with us.

MGTOW in it's inception is for all men; hence we need to be including the perspective from men who are coming from places very different from ourselves; outside the Anglosphere. If we are to propose something that is universal and objective; our results also need to be measured by men who are coming from very different places.

And now talking personally. As much as MGTOW has been fulfilling for me, I now have a profound desire to find out more about what it means to be of the Male sex. I cannot limit myself to rules set by MGTOW or any other community. I need to reach further than this; for me it's a scientific endeavour and a way to grow into a fuller human being.

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